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ACF Frontend Form Element Pro

ACF Frontend Form Element Pro v3.3.30

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v3.3.30 - 17-02-2022 =
* Fixed delete button icons not showing
v3.3.27 - 10-02-2022 =
* Fixed multi step validation error
v3.3.26 - 06-02-2022 =
* Fixed conflict with multi step form and repeater fields
v3.3.25 - 27-01-2022 =
* Fixed bug in woo delete product button
v3.3.23 - 25-01-2022 =
* Fixed js error 'otherSteps undefined'
* Moved plugin folder into "main" for development purposes
* Restored missing submit button wrapper with class of "fea-submit-buttons"
* Fixed submit button floating to top right of the form when field widths are less than 100%
* Fixed local avatar setting
* Fixed conditional logic not working across multiple steps
v3.3.19 - 20-01-2022 =
* Added submit button styling options in Oxygen integration
* Fixed missing fields in multi step form
* Fixed Elementor styles for delete button
* Fixed styles for labels applying to checkbox labels as well
v3.3.16 - 17-01-2022 =
* Fixed price field not displaying
* Fixed url query editing current page if no object id passed in form
* Added post status and product status as default fields in form builder
= v3.3.13 - 10-01-2022 =
* Fixed error when navigating between steps on multi step form
* Fixed delete button not redirecting after deleting data
* Fixed issue when bulk deleting of submissions
* Fixed form tabs display
* Fixed email verification sending after each step of multi step form
* Fixed form title missing
* Fixed error with missing function in ACF Fields field
* Fixed hidden submit button issue
* Improved delete data widgets confirmation message
* Added Delete Product Widget
v3.3.9 - 30-12-2021 =
* Fixed missing 'user_regitered' column
v3.3.7 - 29-12-2021 =
* Fixed forms showing on post edit page
* Fixed new user form not saving data properly, including username and password
* Fixed form builder presets not working
* Fixed conflict with Oxygen