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ShopEngine Pro

ShopEngine Pro v1.6.1 + Free v2.1.0

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Added: Account details widget input and save button border control added.
Improved: Product size chart widget.
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved.
Added: Fly Cart module.
Added: Product size chart module and widget.
Fixed: Badge module percentage issue.
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved.

Version: 1.5.1 // 03-01-2022
Improved: Radio Button fo additional checkout-field MOdule
Fixed: Comparison Share URL
Fixed: Text domain for translate
Fixed: Checkout additional field radio input field visual issue;
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved

Version: 1.5.0 // 15-12-2021
Added: Translation support pre-order module some static text
Added: Comparison bar on wp-footer hook
Fixed: Password reset mail sending message issue
Fixed: Warning message on linux server
Version: 1.4.0 // 08-12-2021
Added: Comparison Custom Endpoint for sharing
Added: Comparison Share to Facebook, Twitter
Added: Copy comparison share url
Added: Custom Meta Showing Support for setting
Added: Attributes Showing Support for setting
Added: Show Compare Button/Bar On Bottom
Added: Widget for comparison button
Fixed: fix checkbox vertical alignment issue
Fixed: fix some responsive issue
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved
Version: 1.3.1 // 02-12-2021
Improved: Product list widget Order By And Show Product By control
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved
PRO Version: 1.3.0 // 25-11-2021
Added: Off-Canvas Layout Option for Product Filters Widget.
Added: Best Selling product widget
Added: Dynamic field for comparison module.
Fixed: Responsive Grid for Product Filters Widget.
Tweaked: CSS and JS improved

FREE v1.6.0 // 25-11-2021
Added: Hover color and background color control for advanced search widgets.
Added: Category dropdown color and background color control for advanced search.
Added: Background color control for product image widget.
Fixed: Small issue fixed for store and archive page sample templates.
Fixed: Divider styling issues for advanced search widgets.
Fixed: Archive view mode widget layout issue
Fixed: sample design responsiveness issue
Improved: Widgets ordering control numbering to draggable.