v4.1.5 =
* New: Add support for WordPress 5.8.3
* New: Add filter for excluding files during cloning / backup #1494
* New: Add filter for overwriting max execution for database backup restore #1512
* New: Add filter to allow overwriting of the maximum allowed request time to make sure backup restore works for huge files. (19.000.000M database rows) #1510
* Fix: If cloning a multisite subsite into external database, it does not clone / backup wp_users and wp_usermeta #1515
* Fix: Skip tmp single file plugin during backup PUSH copy process #1491
* Fix: Preserve table selection during PUSH and UPDATE even when all backup tables unselected #1488
* Fix: Make sure maximum memory consumption during cloning or backup is never higher than 256MB #1502
* Fix: Use custom implementation of wp_timezone() for backward compatibility to WordPress older than 5.3 #1505
* Fix: Override FileObject::fgets to make them behave exactly from SplFileObject of PHP < 8.0.1 #1506
* Tweak: Show custom uploads folder in tooltip description and explain better that changing a symlink image will also change the image on the production site. #1495