Justnaija Wordpress theme is a multipurpose theme suitable for music, entertainment, blog, etc. This is the Premium Version. The 2020 version has been shared for free.. You can check it out HERE...
1. Fast.
2. SEO friendly.
3. Stylish pagination.
4. Sticky footer music promotion.
5. Color: change color to any of your choice.
6. Meta fields for more music information like: featuring, artist, genre, duration, etc. They display only in music posts.
7. Recent Songs by artist in single.
8. Recent album by artist in single.
9. Trending posts in single.
10. Etc.
DEMO LINK: darkng.onlinewebshop.net
1. To edit the name TOP NOTCH, LATEST and SPICY POST, edit genesis.com.ng/header1.php and genesis.com.ng/index.php
2. To change background image, edit genesis.com.ng/header1.php and look for this code at the bottom
Replace the image url with yours.
3. To change logo, edit genesis.com.ng/header2.php
4. To edit sticky footer music promotion and change the category you want the promoted music to come from, edit genesis.com.ng/header2.php and look for this code
*change music to your desired category slug.
*change 5 to the number of posts it should display.
5. To change TOP NOTCH TAG where posts are fetched from, edit genesis.com.ng/index.php and look for
Change top to the tag slug of your choice.
6. To change SPICY FEATURED to the CATEGORY where posts are fetched from, edit genesis.com.ng/index.php and look for
Change spicy-featured to your desired category slug
7. To change color go to Appearance - Customize - Color and select any color of your choice.
8. If your music category, album category and Trending category names are not music, album and trending respectively, then edit single.php and look for
Change music to your desired category slug. Do same for album.
For Trending, look for
Change trending to your desired category slug.
1. Fast.
2. SEO friendly.
3. Stylish pagination.
4. Sticky footer music promotion.
5. Color: change color to any of your choice.
6. Meta fields for more music information like: featuring, artist, genre, duration, etc. They display only in music posts.
7. Recent Songs by artist in single.
8. Recent album by artist in single.
9. Trending posts in single.
10. Etc.

DEMO LINK: darkng.onlinewebshop.net
1. To edit the name TOP NOTCH, LATEST and SPICY POST, edit genesis.com.ng/header1.php and genesis.com.ng/index.php
2. To change background image, edit genesis.com.ng/header1.php and look for this code at the bottom
body {
background:#333 url('https://i.ibb.co/fkLz8jz/background-now.jpg');}
Replace the image url with yours.
3. To change logo, edit genesis.com.ng/header2.php
4. To edit sticky footer music promotion and change the category you want the promoted music to come from, edit genesis.com.ng/header2.php and look for this code
<?php query_posts('category_name=music&showposts=5'); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
*change music to your desired category slug.
*change 5 to the number of posts it should display.
5. To change TOP NOTCH TAG where posts are fetched from, edit genesis.com.ng/index.php and look for
//build $args for fetch records...
$paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 10,//display post per page
'paged' => $paged,
'tag' => top
Change top to the tag slug of your choice.
6. To change SPICY FEATURED to the CATEGORY where posts are fetched from, edit genesis.com.ng/index.php and look for
<?php query_posts('category_name=spicy-featured&showposts=20'); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
Change spicy-featured to your desired category slug
7. To change color go to Appearance - Customize - Color and select any color of your choice.
8. If your music category, album category and Trending category names are not music, album and trending respectively, then edit single.php and look for
//build $args for fetch records...
$paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 5,//display post per page
'paged' => $paged,
'tag' => get_post_meta(get_the_ID() , '_artistetag', true),
'category_name' => music
Change music to your desired category slug. Do same for album.
For Trending, look for
<?php query_posts('category_name=trending&showposts=8'); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
Change trending to your desired category slug.
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