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Advanced Custom Fields Pro - Premium WordPress Plugin

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - Premium WordPress Plugin v6.2.1.1

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v6.2.1.1 = Release Date 8th September 2023
* Fix - Editing a field group no longer generates an error when UI options pages are disabled
= 6.2.0 =
*Release Date 9th August 2023*

* [View Release Post](advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-0-released/)
* New - ACF now requires WordPress version 5.8 or newer, and PHP 7.0 or newer. View the [release post](advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-0-released/#version-requirements) for more information
* New - Bidirectional Relationships now supported for Relationship, Post Object, User and Taxonomy fields. View the [release post](advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-0-released/#bidirectional-relationships) for more information
* New - [Options Pages](advancedcustomfields.com/resources/options-page/) can now be registered and managed by the admin UI in ACF PRO
* New - Link to the [product feedback board](advancedcustomfields.com/feedback/) added to the plugin footer
* Enhancement - ACF JSON now supports multiple save locations (props Freddy Leitner)
* Enhancement - ACF Post Types and Taxonomies can now be duplicated
* Enhancement - The filename for JSON files can now be customized with the `acf/json/save_file_name` filter
* Fix - REST updates of fields with choices containing integer or mixed keys now behave correctly
* Fix - Using the `block_type_metadata_settings` PHP filter to add usesContext values no longer breaks ACF blocks
* Fix - Notice to import post types/taxonomies from CPTUI no longer flashes on page load
* Fix - Various buttons for fields in blocks now display correctly
* Fix - The settings for the DateTime field are no longer cut off when nested in several fields in the field group editor
* Fix - The newline added to the end of JSON files will now use `PHP_EOL` to detect the correct newline character with a filter `acf/json/eof_newline` to alter it.
* i18n - Updated French and Portuguese translations (Thanks to pedro-mendonca and maximebj)
v5.12 = Release Date 23rd February 2022
* [View Release Post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-12-released/)
* New - ACF blocks now support the new Full Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9
* New - ACF blocks now support the WordPress Query Loop block
* New - Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor
* Enhancement - Block preloading can now be disabled by using "acf_update_setting( 'preload_blocks', false );" in the "acf/init" action hook
* Enhancement - ACF and ACF PRO will now detect if each other are active and deactivate the other plugin on plugin activation
* Fix - Fixed an issue with the media library not working correctly in ACF Blocks in WordPress 5.9.1
* Fix - Fixed an issue where anchors weren't working correctly in WordPress 5.9
* Fix - Fixed an issue where the "unfiltered_html" capability wasn't being used by ACF blocks
* Fix - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to update an ACF block inside the widget block editor
* Fix - Fixed an issue where ACF fields might not appear in REST API calls made via internal WordPress functions
* Fix - Warnings and PHP 8.1 deprecation notices in REST API
* Fix - Better support for double byte characters in "acf_get_truncated()" (props @cabradb)
* i18n - Broken link in the Croatian translation
* i18n - Automated building of acf.pot for translators in each release
v5.11.4 = Release Date - 2nd December 2021
* Fix - Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins
* Fix - Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens
* Fix - Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data
Release Date - 24th November 2021*
* Fix - Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id

= 5.11.2 =
*Release Date - 24th November 2021*

* Fix - Previously implemented data access changes for get_field() and the_field() are now limited to the ACF shortcode only. [Learn more]()
* Fix - get_field() and the_field() functions can once again access meta values regardless of being registered with ACF, restoring functionality that existed before 5.11
* Fix - get_field() and the_field() functions now are only able to access site options which are ACF fields
* Fix - UI issues for select boxes related to Yoast and WooCommerce’s select2 versions by upgrading our select2 version, and updating our CSS to support older versions
* Fix - User fields failed to load values when using the legacy select2 v3 option
* Fix - acf_slugify() now correctly supports special characters which solves issues with block names or field group names (during imports) containing those characters
* Fix - PHP Notice generated while processing a field group’s postbox classes