Auto Republish Posts easily. You can target a category you want its posts to be updated frequently. You can select how often you want them republished!
You can also reset posts back to their original dates.
Republish or Reset Posts by Categories
Select categories of posts you want updated. Set cron interval in seconds. How often you want it updated. Default is 300 seconds/5 minutes. Longer time is recommended to save resources.
Note: if you change cron interval, it won't reflect immediately until the previous timer is complete.
This plugin uses WordPress cron. Traffic is required for it to work effectively.
Reset Posts. Select categories of the posts you want to reset their dates to the original.
The plugin requires a simple design with no custom sorting/ranking queries. Once there's any on any page, it'll print an error. In that case, you need a custom service to manually include the plugin's ranking queries in the latest posts of your theme and remove them from the plugin to avoid clash.
You can also reset posts back to their original dates.
Republish or Reset Posts by Categories
Select categories of posts you want updated. Set cron interval in seconds. How often you want it updated. Default is 300 seconds/5 minutes. Longer time is recommended to save resources.
Note: if you change cron interval, it won't reflect immediately until the previous timer is complete.
This plugin uses WordPress cron. Traffic is required for it to work effectively.
Reset Posts. Select categories of the posts you want to reset their dates to the original.
The plugin requires a simple design with no custom sorting/ranking queries. Once there's any on any page, it'll print an error. In that case, you need a custom service to manually include the plugin's ranking queries in the latest posts of your theme and remove them from the plugin to avoid clash.