Fix - Fix potential fatal error with Klarna Payments.
Fix - Order failed text is now on the thank you page where it always should have been for those odd situations where a gateway sends someone to the order-received endpoint with a failed order.
Fix - Fix improper detection of whether the selected payment gateway changed.
Fix - Post code field no longer fires AJAX refresh on keydown to prevent poor UX with improper post code detection
Improved - Refactored Google Address Autocomplete functionality to better handle different completion strategies for different countries.
Development - Added unit testing for Google Address Autocomplete.
v6.2.3 - 2022.01.14
We have a lot of stuff in the works, but today we're releasing a tasty patch release that fixes some bugs and generally makes CheckoutWC better for everyone.
New - Add support for YITH Points and Rewards 3.x
Improved - Automatically exclude our JS files from WP Rocket transformations that break things.
Improved - Added action before upsells are added to the cart: cfw_before_order_bump_add_to_cart
Improved - When rendering a remove item link, we now pass it through the WooCommerce filter so that it picks up changes from other code.
Improved - Refactored Google Address Autocomplete service. It's cleaner! It's faster! (maybe) And it's much easier to handle country by country edge cases.
Fix - Fix multiple bugs with Checkout Field Editor (official WooCommerce extension)
Fix - Clean up jQuery migrate warnings.
Fix - Fixes for PayPal for WooCommerce Complete Payments gateway.
Fix - Fix bug where error messages were not properly displayed if the error was not output in the form tag.
Fix - Fix bugs with Thrive theme.
Fix - Aborted AJAX calls are no longer logged as errors.
Fix - Eliminated deprecated function call.
Fix - Fix bug with Metro theme.
Fix - Fixed bug where upsells were not discounted properly after being added to the cart.
Fix - Fix bug where the city field was not validated if it was rendered off screen.
v6.2.2 - 2021.12.18
'Tis the season to be conservative about plugin updates! 🎄 If your store is humming along through the holiday rush, you may want to wait a few weeks on this update. But if you like the gifts below, receive them with our blessing. (After careful testing!)
Fix - Fix potential fatal error with EU VAT Assistant compatibility module.
Fix - Reworked order review step to hopefully allow it to work with more gateways.
Fix - Fix JS error when address autocomplete is enabled but there are no address fields.
Fix - Debounce scrolling to alerts.
Improved - Refactored AJAX actions to use super.error() method and cleaned up unused properties/getters/setters.
v6.2.0/6.2.1 - 2021.12.13
'Tis the season to be conservative about plugin updates! 🎄 If your store is humming along through the holiday rush, you may want to wait a few weeks on this update. But if you like the gifts below, receive them with our blessing. (After careful testing!)
Improved - Refactored Order Bumps to distinguish between different types of bumps and separate their logic.
Improved - For products visible in the catalog, clicking an order bump's thumbnail will open the product page in a new window.
Improved - Added a new function for grabbing all order bumps: cfw_get_all_order_bumps
Improved - Added some unit tests to FormAugmenter
Improved - Added unit testing to stat collection classes
Improved - Added unit test to YITH Composite Products compatibility module
Improved - If update_checkout AJAX call fails, display a message letting customers know but return UI to normal state.
Improved - If update_checkout AJAX call fails, still trigger payment gateway init and updated_checkout JS event like WooCommerce core does.
Improved - If an error notice is already on the page and the same notice is on the next request, briefly animate the error notice with a shaking effect so that customers realize the error still applies.
Fix - Fix a loophole that allowed people to get order bump special pricing without qualifying for the bump.
Fix - SmartyStreets now works when shipping address is forced to billing address.
NOTE: You must register, activate your account and log In to be able to download files.
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