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Directories Pro - Directory plugin for WordPress

Directories Pro - Directory plugin for WordPress v1.3.89

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v1.3.89 - Feb 15, 2022
- Added: Option to disable merging overlapping intervals for "Opening Hours" field renderer.
- Added: Option to use URL of another field for custom buttons in "Button" display element.
- Added: Option to show child terms as dropdown for "Child Terms" display element.
- Bug fixed: Several PHP errors (Notice/Warning/Fatal).
- Bug fixed: Error saving content containing emoji.
- Improved: Added bestRating/worstRating to aggregateRating schema.org property.
v1.3.88 - Feb 5, 2022
- Bug fixed: Compatibility with certain themes and its settings.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with displaying currency.
v1.3.87 - Feb 1, 2022
- Added: Taxonomy display elements for displaying taxonomy term content on listing displays.
- Bug fixed: Fix several PHP errors.
- Improved: Show lost password form in modal window.
- Improved: Allow specifying descendant terms in conditional rule by appending "+" after term ID.
v1.3.86 - Jan 7, 2022
- Bug fixed: Review criteria options were not translatable.
- Bug fixed: Generate translations tool not working properly with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: File upload field not working properly when field label empty.
- Bug fixed: Some routing issues with taxonomy views.
- Improved: Allow <br> and <small> tags in field description text.
v1.3.85 - Dec 16, 2021
- Bug fixed: Some display issues with buttons when setting primary color to black.
- Bug fixed: PHP warning error in backend.
- Bug fixed: Some URL rewriting issues with PolyLang.
- Bug fixed: Listings with subscription payment plan not being deactivated after expiration on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Post slug could not be updated through CSV import.
v1.3.84 - Nov 21, 2021
- Added: Option to update listings when map dragged.
- Added: Option to configure time step interval for "Time" and "Opening Hours" type fields.
- Added: ”Year range picker” filter for "Date" type field.
- Bug fixed: Old URL routing data causing 404 errors on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Some display issues on backend taxonomy term pages.
- Removed: Option to show display elements to item author only added in v1.3.83 which was redundant.
- Updated: Leaflet.js (v1.7.1) and its associated JS/CSS files.
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.1.