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Easy Digital Downloads Commissions Addon

Easy Digital Downloads Commissions Addon v3.5.2

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v3.5.2, January 12, 2022
  • Fix: [edd_commissions] CSV export not respecting selected month and year parameters.
  • Fix: Frontend Submissions - PayPal Email field no longer visible.
v3.5.1, December 27, 2021
Fix: constants were not being defined early enough to be used in integrations.
Fix: Refunded payment notes included broken HTML.
v3.5, December 21, 2021
  • New: Introduced a new [edd_commission_breakdown_table] shortcode that displays a breakdown of commission and earnings by month within a given year.
  • New: Added a filter called eddc_send_commission_email_alert to the eddc_email_alert() function to allow conditional disabling.
  • New: Added action hooks to the eddc_user_commissions() function.
  • Refactor: The admin commissions table has had some UI/UX improvements to be more consistent with WP core layouts.
  • Fix: HTML entities not decoded during exports.
  • Fix: Deprecation notices in PHP 8.
  • Fix: Commissions data in admin area possibly not showing correct currency if a site uses multi currency.
  • Dev: Refactor how we check for database upgrades for performance improvements.
  • Dev: Document properties in EDD_Commission class for IDE autocomplete.
  • Dev: Undefined variable $from_name in eddc_email_alert(). (No actual reported issues, as the code was never triggering.)
  • Dev: Removed unused scheduled-payouts.php and masspay.php files.
  • Dev: Refactor how plugin is loaded & check for system requirements.
v3.4.13, November 22, 2021
Fix: Commissions not recorded for subscription renewal payments when they should be.
Dev: Refactor how EDD_License is instantiated.