Rank Math Pro
v3.0.33 April 5, 2023
Improved: Line Graph in SEO Performance will now display the date range for better clarity
Improved: Positioning of the Posts table when a keyword is expanded on the Rank Tracker
Fixed: Missing script dependencies error when Content AI was disabled on a Post type
Rank Math
v1.0.111 April 5, 2023
Improved: Disabled the Role Manager option for the Administrator user role to prevent accidental disabling
Fixed: WordPress 6.2 compatibility issue where the editor would crash after clicking on the Content AI button while Post settings were still loading
Fixed: Embedded Google map was being counted as a video in Content AI
Fixed: Content Analysis was not recognizing the self-hosted URLs used in the video tag
Fixed: Sitemap was not updating when it was cached using the Transient method
Fixed: Deprecated warning with PHP 8.1 on the Setup Wizard page
Fixed: Console error related to Schema with WordPress 6.2