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Tipster Betting Script PHP - StoreFront Forums
Tipster Betting Script PHP

Tipster Betting Script PHP 2022-01-04

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Install this script is really easy, it takes only a short time.

1. Unzip the archive nammed TIPSTER_SCRIPT_WEBSITE.zip :​

2. Add all the files and folders located on "SCRIPT" into your FTP !​

3. GO TO yourwebsite.com/install.php and complete all informations, after valid the form.​

NOTE : After installation you have to DELETE install.php of your FTP.

4. Connect to the website with username : admin and the password is admin​

Once you are logged, go to the administration panel, and go to the Website setting, and this is where you can update all informations of your website.

5. Installation is finished, you can now create Tips and VIP Tips ! Just follow instructions when you create tips.​

NOTICE : For the VIP Subscribers, when a visitor paid you, you juste have to create an user on your admin panel and send to his mail the connexion informations, the default password for all new members is : userpass.​

Quick Start​

Go to your website URL like yoururladdress.com, click on "Login", complete and send the form with these informations :
Username : admin
Password : admin
Click on the right top on 'Admin', next click to 'Edit profile', click now on "Edit password", modify your password and validate the form.


Now on to the site configuration for this go to the Administration...

General Settings​

  • Website name - The name of your website (appear on logo).
  • Website title - The title of your website. Visible on browser tab.
  • Website description - The description of your website.
  • Number of bets to show - Don't modify this...
  • Ads on sidebar - If you want to add ads on your website sidebar, (the ads will be a link or a link + image only, no javascript of iframe).
  • Ads on footer - If you want to add ads on your website footer, (the ads will be a link or a link + image only, no javascript of iframe).
  • Amount of VIP Subscription - Write the amount of your VIP SECTION.
  • Payment method for VIP Subscription - Write the method would you like to be paid by your future VIP members.
  • Mail or ID that receive payment of VIP Subscription - Write the MAIL or ID attached to the payment method for receive payments.

Social Networks​

This section allows you to add a link as an icon, which when clicked redirects your visitor to your Facebook page , Twitter or Youtube page...
For Facebook, you have to write like this : pages/NAMEOFYOURPAGE/123456...
For Twitter, you have to write like this : Nameofyourtwitteraccount
For Youtube, you have to write like this : uLds45640X8978x56 (Your youtube ID)

Bets manager​

On this section you can view your posted bets, you can modify and delete them...


- When you create a bet (creation does not occur in the administration, but on the site), the party 'Result' MUST be filled by the words 'Wait' when the match is not finished...
- When a match is over you MUST change... So change the part that will result actually 'Wait' by 'Win' or by 'Lose', and save the changes. The statistics will be made automatically .
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