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Ultimate Post Kit Pro For Elementor

Ultimate Post Kit Pro For Elementor v2.6.0

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## 2.6.0 [23th December 2021]

### Added

- Reading Progress Circle Widget Added

### Fixed

- Active item style issue fixed in Amox Carousel Widget

## 2.5.2 [19th December 2021]

### Fixed

- Improved Asset Loading issue fixed in all Carousel and Slider Widgets
- Active style issue fixed in Amox Carousel Widget

## 2.5.1 [18th December 2021]

### Fixed

- Alter, Alex, Hazel, Maple Widget some minor issue fixed (Thanks to Ahmetsali)
2.5.0 [12th December 2021]

### Added

- Atlas Slider Widget Added
- Category Carousel Widget Added
- Reading Progress Widget added
- Carousel Active Item option added in Amox Carousel Widget
2.4.0 [23th November 2021]

### Added

- Crystal Slider Widget Added

### Fixed

- Item Radius issue fixed in Amox Grid Widget (Thanks to Ahmetsali)
- Forbes Tabs (show/hide) issue fixed
### Fixed

- Content Padding Not Working issue fixed in Alter Grid Widget (Thanks to Ahmetsali)
- Title Typography Not Working issue fixed in Alice Grid Widget (Thanks to Ahmetsali)
# Added

- Animations Extension Added
- Amox Grid Widget Added
- Amox Carousel Widget Added
- Welsh List Widget Added
- Social Count(Static) Widget Added
- Readmore option and Meta End Position added in Alter Carousel Widget
- Title Style option added in Alice Grid, Alice Carousel, Alex Grid, Alex Carousel Widget
- Style option added in Post Category Widget

### Fixed

- Pagination not working issue fixed in Fanel List Widget (Thanks to Aespada)
- Counter issue fixed in Buzz List Carousel Widget