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WP Rocket⁠ — Wordpress Best Caching Plugin

WP Rocket⁠ — Wordpress Best Caching Plugin v3.17.0.2

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WP Rocket v3.10 changelog:
  • Enhancement: Update minimum WP version to 5.4 (#4341)
  • Enhancement: Implement a new UI for Optimized CSS Delivery (#4245)
  • Enhancement: Move WebP Compatibility option to a One-Click Rocket Add-on (#3804)
  • Enhancement: Add expiration rules for avif image format (#4206)
  • Enhancement: Remove the Disable Embeds option (#3773)
  • Enhancement: Remove the Delete Expired Transients option (#3578)
  • Enhancement: Empty some files no longer needed (#3839)
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Reactions: maxwell
Change log

Update delay JS script to catch click events before the scripts are loaded.

Enhancement: Add the delay JS script to the page after the meta charset if it's present.

Enhancement: Remove the clear cache notice after using clear used CSS since it also clears the cache.

Bugfix: Prevent a possible error on WooCommerce product pages with delay JS enabled.

Bugfix: Prevent a possible PHP notice in some cases when using remove unused CSS.

3rd party compatibility: Improve delay JS compatibility with a number of scripts.

Source: Github
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Reactions: maxwell

Download WP Rocket⁠ — Wordpress Best Caching Plugin v3.9.3​

  • Enhancement: Add additional inline JS exclusion from combine JS (#4290)
  • Bugfix: Prevent fatal error when passing an empty path to get the content of a file (#4257)
  • Regression: Fix issue with JS minification when removing comments (#4291)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Add delay JS compatibility with Adthrive (#4018)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Improve compatibility with Divi 4.10 update (#4263)
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Reactions: maxwell and globe
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