Xclusiveloaded Theme designed by Pedro is a powerfully featured theme built on the Mh Magazine framework. MH Magazine itself is a high quality theme, used by millions of people across the world.
Xclusiveloaded Theme is one of the most sought after Wordpress themes in Nigeria because of its speed, SEO friendliness, security and modern look.
Because it's a popular theme in Nigeria, I decided to create one, enriched with features, and share for free. More features will be added in new versions.
Xclusiveloaded Theme Premium Version (Multi Colors) - Genesis Forum
Xclusiveloaded Theme Premium Version enables you to change colors easily through the admin dashboard. You can easily change the color of five sections. Both Premium and free versions are the same. The only difference is that you can change colors easily on the Premium version. Recommended for...

Please use the discussion section for support
Some of the features include speed, responsiveness, a powerful artist page, artist post type with category and slug, post subtitle, etc.
1. Latest Songs: Make sure you have category name Music and Category Slug music .. The template is located at /genesis.com.ng/latestsongs.php
2. Coming Soon: Coming soon is designed for songs that aren't released yet - anticipated songs. This logic will help your SEO as you will automatically be the "first" to publish when the song is eventually out.
Create Category Name Coming Soon and Category Slug coming-soon. The template is located at genesis.com.ng/comingsoon.php
3. News: Share the latest news with your community. Create Category Name News and Category Slug news. You can edit the template at genesis.com.ng/news.php
4. Latest Posts: This is your site's latest posts. You can access the template at genesis.com.ng/latestposts.php
5. Hottest Artists: I made this feature automated. I even created a standalone post type for it. Artists shown here are random display of the artists you create. I will describe how to create artists shortly. Template can be accessed at genesis.com.ng/artistes
6. Videos: Share videos with your readers. Create Category Name Videos and Category Slug videos. Template is located at genesis.com.ng/videos.php
7. Trending Now: these are your featured posts. Create Category Name Trending and Category Slug trending. You can edit the template at genesis.com.ng/trending.php
8. Header: to change logo, go to genesis.com.ng/header2.php
9. Footer: to edit footer, go to genesis.com.ng/footer2.php
10. Sidebar: to activate default sidebar, go to sidebar.php and delete <noscript> and </noscript>
11. To edit post content, go to content-single.php
12. To edit artist content, go to genesis.com.ng/single-artist.php
1. Go to dashboard, Menu, Click Add New Artist...

2. Add title, content, category, featured image and tag. Make sure the artist name is the tag. The same artist tag should be used when you create a song or video of that artist.

The Result

3. You can create artist categories first. Recommended you make it alphabetical to numerical, eg a-z, 0-9
If you like the theme and want to support, please donate via Flutterwave here... or DM me for details.